Happy Turkey Day to all. I hope you are limiting your crowds this year. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it might be another year before we get back to semi-normal.
So you are at home this year without the large crowd, but you still want to have that Turkey feast like you do every year.
Since it's just the two of us, we decided to have our feast a few days early this year.
It was good, and I had a chance to mellow out on the back porch and catch up on one of my favorite shows "Star Trek Discovery"
But I digress.......
My point is, this year you may have MORE left overs than normal. What do you do with them ???
Yeah you can re-heat the same meal over again, OR you could get creative.....
My wife listens to a lot of Pod Casts. Some are about Gardening, and many are about cooking.
Here's an idea she got from on of those pod casts.
It sounded interesting and different, so we decided to give it a try.
We all like 'Shepherd's Pie'. If you ever get to a good Irish Bar (I have been to many. (Or is that too many) You have to try the Shepherd's Pie.
So this is a spin off of that famous recipe. But instead of Beef, we are using the leftover Turkey. And instead of a Crust, we are using the left over STUFFING.
Really. You will thank me later.
There is NO recipe for this, as we made it up as we went along. Just follow along with the pictures.
But first, a quick happy hour and some doggie time.
so damn cute.
OK. Here we go.
Our cast of characters
You got your Smashed Taters, Suck Me Tash, Turkey, Gravy, and Stuffin'
Start with some of your gravy in a pan over medium heat.
In a oven save dish (we used Fiesta Ware Pie Pans) layer some butter
all over.......
Place some plastic wrap on your cutting board and lay out some stuffing. Place another layer of plastic wrap on top. Using you hands, flatten it out like a pie dough.
Now carefully FLIP it over. You can trim the edges and re-layer any areas you missed. Push it down as Flat as you can.
Chop up your Turkey as the gravy heats. If the gravy is too think ADD some BROTH.Yep it needs broth.
Add your chopped up Turkey
And your suckatash
Stir and add more turkey if needed
It's lookin' good
Pour your mixture into the stuffing shell
On some plastic wrap, lay out some left over masked potatoes and push into a nice layer
On a foil lined baking sheet, place your finished pies
Cover with foil and cook for 20 minutes (350 degrees)
Uncover and cook for another 20 min
Check your temp !!
Add some butter and continue to cook to desired temp (160-170)
Doesn;t that look GOOOOOOODDDDD ?
And here is the finished product. (It was WAY to much for me- but I will finish it tomorrow.)
All those Thanksgiving flavors..... It is hard to describe. The BEST leftover I have ever had.
WINNER WINNER, Shepherd's Pie dinner !!!!
You guys have got to try this. It was AMAZING !!!
And you made it at HOME !!!!!!
That's it for now, hope to see you next time !!!
Live Long & Prosper
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