Happy Turkey Day to all. I hope you are limiting your crowds this year. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it might be another year before we get back to semi-normal.So you are at home this year without the large crowd, but you still want to have that Turkey feast like you do every year.
Since it's just the two of us, we decided to have our feast a few days early this year.
It was good, and I had a chance to mellow out on the back porch and catch up on one of my favorite shows "Star Trek Discovery"
But I digress.......My point is this year you may have MORE leftovers than normal. What do you do with them???
Yeah, you can re-heat the same meal over again, OR you could get creative.....
My wife listens to a lot of Pod Casts. Some are about Gardening, and many are about cooking.
Here's an idea she got from one of those pod casts.
It sounded interesting and different, so we decided to give it a try.
We all like 'Shepherd's Pie'. If you ever get to a good Irish Bar (I have been to many. (Or is that too many) You have to try the Shepherd's Pie.
So this is a spin off of that famous recipe. But instead of Beef, we are using the leftover Turkey. And instead of a Crust, we are using the left-over STUFFING.
Really. You will thank me later.
There is NO recipe for this, as we made it up as we went along. Just follow along with the pictures.
But first, a quick happy hour and some doggie time.
so damn cute.
OK. Here we go.
Our cast of characters
You got your Smashed Taters, Suck Me Tash, Turkey, Gravy, and Stuffin'Start with some of your gravy in a pan over medium heat.
In a oven save dish (we used Fiesta Ware Pie Pans) layer some butterall over.......
Place some plastic wrap on your cutting board and lay out some stuffing. Place another layer of plastic wrap on top. Using you hands, flatten it out like a pie dough.
Take your buttered dish and lay it on top. (AFTER removing the plastic wrap)
Now carefully FLIP it over. You can trim the edges and re-layer any areas you missed. Push it down as Flat as you can.
Chop up your Turkey as the gravy heats. If the gravy is too thick ADD some BROTH.Yep, it needs broth. Add your chopped up Turkey
And your suckatash
Stir and add more turkey if needed.
It's lookin' good.
Pour your mixture into the stuffing shell.
On some plastic wrap, lay out some left-over mashed potatoes and push into a nice layer.
Trim any extra from the side.
On a foil lined baking sheet, place your finished pies.
Cover with foil and cook for 20 minutes (350 degrees)
Uncover and cook for another 20 min.
Check your temp!!
Add some butter and continue to cook to desired temp (160-170)
Doesn't that look GOOOOOODDDDD ?
And here is the finished product. (It was WAY too much for me- but I will finish it tomorrow.)All those Thanksgiving flavors..... It is hard to describe. The BEST leftover I have ever had.
WINNER WINNER, Shepherd's Pie dinner !!!!
You guys have got to try this. It was AMAZING !!!And you made it at HOME !!!!!!
That's it for now, hope to see you next time !!!Live Long & Prosper
It was wonderful, but we need to move on to another delicious idea for leftovers.
Welcome back to Lee's Cooking page. I hope your Thanksgiving was fun and SAFE.
Today we are again looking at the mound of left overs from yesterday, and have found yet another great solution.
If you have been following this blog, you know how much I love COOKING WITH CAROLYN . We have made many of her recipes.
Chilli Sketti is my favorite, and we make her Cranberry Sauce every Holiday.
I found one of her recipes we had printed and filed away for future use. And the future is now.
This is a recipe for Chicken Tretrazzini that we have modified just a bit for Turkey Left Overs!!!!
Here is what you'll need.
2 ½ lbs Left Over Turkey (chopped)
Grand Diamond Seasoning (to taste) or seasoning of your choice
8 oz chopped White Mushrooms
1 Medium Yellow Onion (Chopped)
¾ lb FRESH Asparagus (Cut into 1 inch pieces)
4 Cloves FRESH Garlic (minced)
4 TBL Butter
1/3 Cup All Purpose Flour)
2 ½ Cups of Turkey Broth
1 Cup of Half and Half
2 TBL White Balsamic Vinegar or Lemon Juice
¼ – ½ Cup FRESH Italian Parsley or FRESH Basil
1 lb Linguine or Spaghetti
1 Ton Mozzarella Cheese
Pre Heat a large Dutch Oven or skillet over medium high heat with 3 TBL of oil.
Still over medium high heat, add 2-3 more TBL of oil and saute the mushrooms and onions until the onions are soft, about 5 minutes. Add the seasoning to taste, asparagus, garlic, and salt. Saute for about 1 minute. Remove and set aside on a plate. Melt the butter and add the flour to the skillet. Stir and lightly brown for 3-5 minutes. Whisk in the broth and then the half and half. Add the vinegar. The sauce will thicken. Turn off the heat.
Pre heat the oven to 350.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add 3-4 TBL of Salt. Cook the pasta for half of the recommended cooking time. (We added a couple of minutes)
Drain the pasta well.
Stir in the vegetables, turkey, parsley, and the pasta into the sauce. Stir until mixed well.
Spray a baking dish with nonstick spray. (We used one for dinner, and the rest we froze to use later.)Top with Cheese and bake 20-30 until cheese is nicely melted.
The other containers go into the freezer to be baked later.
When the cheese is melted to your liking, serve.
So, as usual with Carolyn's recipes, this was off the hook.Penny thought it was a bit bland and needed more seasonings. OK I get that. I thought it was G R E A T.
Maybe I should add some Mushrooms?????
So, if you have a ton of left overs from yesterday, give this one a shot.
You can thank me later.
Be safe, be smart, and Stay The F(*^&^ AT HOME !!
Lice Long and Prosper------------------------------------------------------
Great recipes. but you may want something simpler. How about some SOUP??? And some Ham Salad to go with it?
Hello Foodie Friends:
Thanksgiving has come and gone, so has the regular football season.
By the time last Saturday rolled around, (Florida- F.S.U.) we were tired of Turkey and decided we wanted Steak & Fries.
It was GOOD, and a nice break of the Thanksgiving routine.
But we wanted to do something with our left over Turkey and Ham, so we rustled up some Ham Salad and the BEST Cream of Turkey Soup I have eaten.
It's "Two For The Price of ONE" on Kill it, Cut it up, and Cook it....
So let's get to it.
But first, another look at the exciting life of President Cleveland.
So let's take a look at what we need for the HAM SALAD !!!!
Left over HAM
Since we cooked for 8 on Thanksgiving, Penny got a nice ham from Honey Baked. We had plenty left over.
Colby Cheese
Sweet Gherkins Pickles
Pimentos (nice and Chopped)
Grate the Ham, Cheese and Pickles in Food Processor
Put into a bowl
Put Pimentos in food processor and CHOP
Add the chopped Pimentos to the bowl and stir
½ Cup Mayo then stir well
½ Cup Mayo then stir again
¼ Cup Pickle Juice
How easy can that be ???
I like Lettuce on my Ham Samwitch.
Now on to the TURKEY SOUP !!!!
But first :
My Indiana friends will get it......
½ Large Onion (Chopped)
½ Stick of Salted Butter
1 Celery Stalk (Chopped)
1 Carrot (Chopped)
8 OZ White Mushrooms (Chopped)
1 tsp Celery Salt
¼ tsp of Bell's Seasoning
½ Cup of Wondra Flour
1 TBL Fresh Parsley (Chopped)
1 tsp Fresh Tarragon (Chopped)
2 TBL Cream Sherry
3 Cups of Turkey Broth
You do have HOME MADE Broth !!!!
Left over Turkey (Chopped) – Amounts to taste
1/2 Cup Frozen Peas
2 TBL Heavy Cream
Melt Butter over medium heat then SAUTE the Onions / Celery / & Carrots
Season with 1 tsp Celery Salt
Add the Mushrooms
Add ¼ tsp of Bell's Seasoning
Add ½ Cup of Wondra Flour and stir
Add 2 TBL Cream Sherry
Add 2 Cups of Turkey Broth and stir
Add Turkey Chunks and 1 Cup of Broth
Add the Parlsey & Tarragon (Keep stiring)
Add ½ Cup Frozen Peas
Simmer 10 minutes
Add 2 TBL Heavy Cream
Turn off the heat.
This was soooooo sooooo good !!!!!
So when you have plenty of left overs, you now have two good ideas as to what to make.
Oh, Football turned out great as the Gators got all over F.S.U.
Catch me if you can!!!
And Ball State finished up yet another dismal year with a 5 and 7 record.
So, we close out the football season. (Until Jan 1) and turn our attention to Basketball!!!
See you next time, as we show how to make Home Made Lemonade.....
Live Long and Prosper
-------------------------------------------------------------I hope you enjoyed these 'blasts from the past', and they give you some ideas on what to do with all those leftovers.
Hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving.
God Spped, Mother Nature